Just As He Said: A Holy Week Devotional
This daily devotional was designed and written to help celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus during Holy Week.
We joke a little bit around here about the lack of “Easter music” when there’s months of Christmas music that takes over the radio waves. So many wonderful songs about the events of this week are out there (we made an Easter Playlist on Spotify, if you want to follow along—see below). This devotional centers on the events that took place during the week before Jesus’ crucifixion and pairs them with the promises God makes to his people all throughout Scripture. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we have no reason to doubt God’s promises but we have every reason to believe he is faithful to do all that he says he will do.
This devotional is called Just As He Said. In Matthew 28, after the tomb is left empty, the angel told the women who were looking for Jesus, ”He is risen, just as he said.” The Bible is full of promises. We are working to learn them and believe him.
Join us in celebrating this Holy Week, and giving God the attention and glory he deserves year-round.

“The disciples weren’t meant to spend the day after [Jesus’] death in despair, but rather anticipating and expecting the joy that was to come the next day.”
Table of Contents
- Day 1: He Will Reign Forevermore (by Katie Guiliano)
- Day 2: He Is Making All Things New (by Mandy Adams)
- Day 3: He Is the Savior of the World (by Will Burrows)
- Day 4: He Is Better than Life (by Kendall Grant)
- Day 5: He Is God With Us (by Mandy Adams)
- Day 6: It Is Finished (by William Burrows)
- Day 7: He Is in the Waiting (by Alexa Handelsman)
- Day 8: He Is Risen (by Katie Guiliano)
- Day 9: He Is Faithful (by Kendall Grant)